


Department of Chinese

Global Studies Major, Chinese Language Major

The role language-mediated communication plays in the global community will grow in importance. China, which now boasts the world’s second-largest GDP, will continue to occupy an increasingly pivotal position both economically and culturally. The role the Chinese language plays will therefore also grow in status alongside the development of international society. In light of this reality, the Department of Chinese has established two majors—the global studies major and the Chinese language major—both of which provide the practical instruction needed to develop and enhance Chinese-language communication abilities. With a common basis in improving Chinese-language capabilities, each major is also characterized by a distinctive curriculum designed to cultivate talented individuals who possess superior international sensibilities in the fields of business, education and cultural exchange, and who are active in the wider international community.

Major Subjects
Basic Chinese Language Seminar / Elementary Chinese / Elementary Spoken Chinese / Intermediate Chinese / Practical Chinese / Chinese Composition / Basic Skills of Japanese to Chinese Interpretation / Introduction to Study on Chinese Society / Introduction to Study on Chinese Thought / Introduction to Study on Chinese Literature / Introduction to Study on Chinese History / ASEAN Research / Specialized Research / Graduation Research

Keys to selecting a major

Global Studies Major (GSM)

Become a businessperson who can have a worldwide career, mainly in Asia
We’ll prepare you for careers at corporations and foreign-affiliated companies expanding into China by studying Chinese and English, which are essential for conducting business globally.
You’ll also acquire the skills needed for careers at trading companies or manufacturers or in service industries that link Japan and the world by learning basic business expertise and increasing understanding of various foreign countries.
By polishing their practical and communication skills through fieldwork such as study abroad programs and internships, we train people to participate in true international exchanges.

Chinese Language Major (CLM)

Open up careers in all kinds of fields related to China through specialized Chinese language and culture studies
Through specialized Chinese-language and culture studies, we prepare you to work at companies and public agencies that interact with China.
You can use your solid Chinese-language ability to support various activities related to the Chinese language.
With your skills, you can pursue careers such as overseas representatives of companies in the private sector, interpreters, translators, and Chinese-language teachers or researchers.