Department of Japanese
Global Studies Major, Japanese Language Major

The mission of the Department of Japanese is to ensure that students thoroughly understand Japan’s language and culture and are able to accurately communicate what they know. The department accepts foreign students interested in Japan and contributes to the local community through Japanese-language education support for children whose native language is not Japanese. This also allows the students to check the results of their daily learning.
The curriculum of the global studies major focuses on Japanese and Asian languages, culture and business to provide students with practical business skills that will enable them to flourish in global society, while the Japanese major consists primarily of courses designed to train junior or senior high school Japanese teachers as well as Japanese-language instructors who teach to foreigners.
Major Subjects
Basic Japanese Language Seminar / Introduction to Japanese Linguistics / Basic Japanese Linguistics Seminar / Japanese Linguistics / Japanese Grammar / Introduction to Linguistics / Sociolinguistics / History of Japanese Literature / Introduction to Chinese Classics / Introduction to Japanese-Language Teaching / Japanese-Language Teaching Methodology / Second Language Acquisition Theory / Business Economics / Marketing Theory / East Asian Studies / Introduction to International Relations / Specialized Research / Graduation Research
Keys to selecting a major
Global Studies Major (GSM)
Gain sophisticated language skills and a profound understanding of Asia that will open up worldwide career possibilities for you
We train people to contribute to corporate and international activities profoundly connected with East Asia and the ASEAN region through studies of the cultures and businesses of those areas, and also help them acquire sophisticated language skills.
We will prepare you for careers in a wide range of sectors so that you can use your experience in systematically learning Japanese and strong command of English and Chinese to clearly express your own points.
Japanese Language Major (JLM)
Systematically study Japanese language, culture and education to become a specialist
We train people for careers as Japanese-language teaching staff who can properly disseminate information about the Japanese language and Japan’s culture, both in Japan and elsewhere, through the study of Japanese as a foreign language.
We will prepare you for a career as a junior or senior high school Japanese-language instructor through academic studies of such things as linguistics, Japanese language, culture and literature, and cross-cultural understanding.Graduates will be able to use language to respond creatively to society.