日時 2021年4月3日(土) 午前10時30分開式(9時30分開場、10時15分入場締切)
会場 浦安キャンパス体育館
日時 2021年4月3日(土) 午後2時00分開式(1時00分開場、1時45分入場締切)
会場 浦安キャンパス体育館
■ 入学生の皆様へ
- 開式時刻の15分前までに入場してください。
- 式典の所要時間は30分程度を予定しており、終了後は解散となります(学部オリエンテーション等はありません)。
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大を防止するため、以下に該当する方の入場はお断りします。
- 式典参加に当たっては、マスクの着用及びこまめな手洗い?手指消毒をお願いします。また、換気のため会場内の扉や窓を開ける場合がありますので、来場時は十分な防寒対策をお願いします。
- 各自のスマートフォンに、新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ(COCOA)をインストールしてください(アプリの作動を妨げないよう、式典中は電源を切らずマナーモードにしてください)。
- 会場内での会話は必要最小限としてください。
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大を防止するため、式典は入学生及び教職員のみで行います。会場へはご入場いただけませんので、ご理解、ご協力のほどよろしくお願いいたします。
- 式典の模様をインターネットにてライブ配信いたします。
日時 2021年4月5日(月)10:30~(10:15までにご入場願います)
会場 坂戸キャンパス 体育館
TEL: 049-279-2711
University Entrance Ceremonies for the 2021 Academic Year
In order to prevent increasing spread of COVID-19 infections, the 2021 entrance ceremonies will be held in two separate locations, the Urayasu Campus and the Sakado Campus.
In addition, the implemented method for this ceremony may be changed, or the event may be canceled entirely, depending on how the actual conditions of the aforementioned pandemic progress. If changes are implemented, the information will be provided on this website.
1. Urayasu Campus
Please note that the schedule for university entrance ceremonies differs for each department, graduate/postgraduate course, etc.
To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, attendance of the ceremonies is limited to students and faculty only. Please understand that this means parents will be unable to attend in person. We thank you for your cooperation.
●Faculty of Languages and Cultures, School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, School of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Applied Linguistics, Special Course
Date and time: April 3, 2021 (Saturday) starting from 10:30 AM (Doors will be opened at 9:30 AM and all newly admitted students must arrive by 10:15 AM)
Venue: Urayasu Campus Gymnasium
●Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Real Estate Sciences, Graduate School of Economics, Graduate School of Real Estate Sciences
Date and time: April 3, 2021 (Saturday) starting from 2:00 PM (Doors will be opened at 1:00 PM and all newly admitted students must arrive by 1:45 PM)
Venue: Urayasu Campus Gymnasium
To Newly Admitted Students
- Please arrive no later than 15 minutes before the start of ceremonies.
- The ceremonies are expected to take about 30 minutes. When ceremonies end, please leave the premises (there will be no departmental orientations or other events following the ceremonies).
- In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections, students for whom any of the following apply are prohibited from attending the ceremonies.
?COVID-19 infected individuals
?Individuals who have been in close contact with COVID-19 infected individuals or been contacted by a health center due to infection risk
?Individuals with symptoms suggesting they could be infected with COVID-19 (fever, coughing, lethargy, inhibited sense of taste or smell)
- When taking part in the ceremony, please wear a mask and wash or disinfect your hands frequently. In addition, the doors and windows of the venue may be opened at times for ventilation, so be sure to dress warmly to prepare for these conditions.
- Install the COVID-19 Contact Confirmation App (COCOA) on your smartphone (to ensure the app can operate properly, keep your smartphone on in silent mode during the ceremony).
- Keep conversation within the venue to a minimum.
■ Parents of Newly Admitted Students
- The entrance ceremonies will be held with only newly admitted students and faculty members in attendance to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please be aware that you will not be permitted to enter the venue. Thank you for your understanding.
- There will a live stream of the ceremony available online.
Urayasu Campus, General Affairs Section
Tel: 047-355-5111
2. Sakado Campus (School of Dentistry, Graduate School of Dentistry)
Date and time: April 5, 2021 (Monday)starting from 10:30 AM(newly admitted students must arrive by 10:15 AM)
Venue: Sakado Campus Gymnasium
Sakado Campus General Affairs, Educational Affairs Section
Tel: 049-279-2711